Fall Protection Kits
Fall protection kits will vary in design and application, with the most basic comprising a simple 1 or 2 point fall arrest harness and a lanyard with two connectors (one on each end), which allow the user to secure themselves to a suitable anchor. Cherry picker or MEWP kits would normally fall into this category, and offer a simple restraint system to ensure the user is unable to get into a situation where a fall can occur. Sometimes the lanyards are adjustable so can be used by different users and in different machines, where the distance between the anchor and the harness attachment point will be varied. The choice of lanyard connectors will depend on the design and size of the anchor point. Scaffold hooks are often used at the anchor end of a lanyard, as they can offer the greatest range of connect-ability because as their wide-opening gates, which allow them to be clipped onto large attachment points, like scaffolding poles. A more technical fall protection kit may include a twin legged lanyard, allowing for greater movement on a structure, such as a telecoms tower.