
No.1 Lockout Tagout Specialist

Health and Safety

  1. Do You Need a Permit To Work For Working at Height?

    Do You Need a Permit To Work For Working at Height?
    With working at height commonly acknowledged to be one of the most hazardous tasks undertaken across industry, the Permit to Work system is an important framework to ensure the protection of all those involved, as part of the existing Working At Height Legal Requirements & Guidance legislation. The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) defines a Permit to Work as a...
  2. Industrial Safety Sign Regulations: Your Duty as an Employer

    Industrial Safety Sign Regulations: Your Duty as an Employer
    It is a legal requirement for employers and responsible persons to ensure the correct health and safety signs are in place anywhere in the workplace where there may be a significant risk in terms of health and safety, either to employees or to the general public. Continue reading →

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